Individual & Group Therapy
Michelle Ehle, Psy. D.
Postdoctoral Intern
When we are no longer able to change a situation - we are challenged to change ourselves.
Are you living with depression, anxiety, numbness, or are you consumed by grief & mourning? Have life-changing events left you in a place of uncertainty? Are you experiencing an unimaginable loss? Are you living with chronic illness or pain or struggling to find meaning in life? If you are at a place where you need help, let me help and gently guide you through therapy to get you where you want to be. I love the work I do in individual and group therapy. I specialize in loss, grief, and other existential subjects.
I am currently seeing individuals one-on-one in long-term therapy, short-term therapy, and group therapy. Long-term therapy has two different forms. The first involves complex issues that simply cannot be resolved quickly. They take time, patience, and a lot of work. The second type of long-term therapy is for individuals who find that ongoing support in therapy helps them move more swiftly through life.
Short-term Therapy: I am offering short-term therapy, a maximum of ten sessions, at a discounted rate of $50.00 per session, because I currently can not take insurance, and I want to help.
Group Therapy - details below.
Searching for a therapist is complex, and finding a "good match" is the first step. I offer free consultation time to meet, exchange information, and see if we are a good match for a therapeutic relationship. For groups we meet to see if group therapy would be a good fit and beneficial for you. If not, I can help with a referral.
I am accepting new clients for individual and group therapy.
For individual therapy, I am able to cover the typical range of topics (depression, anxiety, feeling stuck, massive changes in life), mental disorders, and LGBTQIA (particularly becoming comfortable with yourself). I love working with individuals who think outside the box, are neurodivergent, and are not “normal.”
I also specialize in existential subjects: Grief/mourning, living with chronic illness, loss, death anxiety, loneliness, isolation, and what control we have in uncontrollable situations.
Groups: Grief: Finding Meaning in Loss: The grief group runs for 10 to 12 weeks and is a closed group that allows you to process grief with a trusting community. Each session is planned to share our grief stories, examine the past, present, and future, and explore sources of meaning while creating rituals to honor our loved ones. $100.00 Intake fee & $40.00 per session (intake fee may be waived depending a circumstances).
Getting Through the Election: Up and running and open to new members! Getting Through the Election helps cope with election angst, stay informed, debrief on current events, identify trustworthy news sources, deal with uncertainty, and work with bipartisan issues—education of political activities, social media, and doom-scrolling. Plus, self-care, chair yoga, and finding your activity. $40.00 per session. Saturdays from noon to 2pm. Seattle Times Interview! https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/mental-health/expert-advice-for-coping-with-election-stress/
I returned to school later in life, and thus, I am in the middle-age phase of life. I am a West Coast person; most of my time has been spent in Seattle, Olympia, and San Francisco. I literally love the work that I do. I also love traveling, photography, the Arts, cooking, philosophy, TV, swimming, and spending time with my family, friends, and pets.
Psy. D., Clinical Psychology, Antioch University Seattle, Seattle, WA. 2020
M.A., Counseling Psychology, Holy Names University, Oakland, CA. 2009
B. A., Psychology, Seattle University, Seattle, WA. 2005
Individual & Group Therapy
Services and Current Fees
Individual Sessions
Intake Session $100.00
Weekly Sessions: $100.00
Short-term Therapy: $50.00, up to 10 sessions
Group Sessions: $40.00
Grief Group: Finding Meaning in Loss - This group runs in spring and fall, $40.00 per session, and an intake session $100.00
Group: Getting Through the Election is currently running until November 10th or longer, depending on results. We are still taking on group members! $40.00 per session. Saturdays from noon to 2 p.m.
Seattle Times Interview! https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/mental-health/expert-advice-for-coping-with-election-stress/
Let’s talk Dandelion, because it’s not just a weed.
Health Benefits
“A rich source of vitamins C and A, potassium plus iron, dandelion leaves were used over the centuries for medicinal purposes, including as a treatment for dental issues, baldness and dandruff, liver function, and even mental ailments such as depression and lethargy. They’re even an antioxidant, containing beta-carotene polyphenols. Studies have shown that dandelion roots and leaves can reduce cholesterol and boost the immune system.”
Dandelion Symbolism
“Dandelions are a symbol for healing, whether from emotional or physical pain and also surviving hard times as dandelions are the most persistent flower that never gives up. When you give someone a single dandelion or a bouquet, you’re giving a message of hope, telling the recipient to not give up and to persevere to sunnier times ahead.”
From: https://www.flowerglossary.com/dandelions/
Plus, you can make wishes on them!
Next up: Kintsug, the Japanese art of repairing broken pottery by mending the areas of breakage with lacquer and dusted powdered gold, silver or platinum. Bringing to light that the broken and repaired becomes more meaningful, soulful and beautiful.
I am a doctor of clinical psychology. However, I am not licensed, yet. I am working as a Postdoctoral Intern supervised by Dr. Patricia Barr who is licensed by the State of Washington / PY60234797.
Contact Me
Opening on Wednesdays, Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays
Options are open throughout the week.
Phone / Email
(206) 384-2712
2024 Cayton Way SW,
Olympia WA, 98502